*Note: "U" means that the program will no longer be update, while "U" means it will. This is mainly due to the fact that I don't want to update every program whenever I just want to change one.

Nation Generator (U)

You can also use this by going to kardashtuku.com/nation

Nation Generator Different (U)

You can also use this by going to kardashtuku.com/nation

Name Generator (U)

Info Generator (U)

Alliance Generator (U)

Complex Religion Generator(U)

Religion Generator (U)

City Generator (U)

Geopolitical generator (U)

War Title Generator (U)


Wogauq Dominion (Central Union)


History: Formed from the ashes of a former empire

Stability: Quite unstable

Cultural aggressiveness: Accepting

Religion: Peopleism

Puitijx Horde (3rd Covenate)


History: Formed out of several uniting warlords

Stability: Somewhat stable

Cultural aggressiveness: Extremely aggressive and xenophobic

Religion: Mythology of Bob Ross

Edbi Commonwealth (Fascist Confederation)


History: Formed after a chaotic collapse of a much greater empire

Stability: Somewhat stable

Cultural aggressiveness: Accepting

Religion: Peopleism

Revolutionary Ejynr (Democratic Compact)


History: Formed out of an unclaimed region

Stability: Very unstable

Cultural aggressiveness: Extremely accepting and progressive

Religion: Mythology of Bat

Hermit Kingdom of Duir (No alliance)


History: Granted independence after a World War

Stability: Quite unstable

Cultural aggressiveness: Extremely aggressive

Religion: Greenism

Tuunwa Plutocracy (Cultural Pact)


History: Been around since antiquity

Stability: Unstable

Cultural aggressiveness: Not aggressive at all

Religion: Lemonianity

Ydulh Aristocracy (No alliance)


History: Formed as a unity between several cities in early antiquity

Stability: Not stable

Cultural aggressiveness: Neutral

Religion: Mythology of Fridge

Royal Dynasty of Ysywm (United Nations)


History: Revolted from a tyrannical king during the late Middle Ages

Stability: Not very stable

Cultural aggressiveness: Accepting

Religion: Cult of Lemon

United Yngo Empire (Fascist United Front)

Capitalist Anarchy

History: Formed along a major river in late Antiquity

Stability: Somewhat stable

Cultural aggressiveness: Extremely aggressive and xenophobic

Religion: Atheist

Naolho Horde (No alliance)

Capitalist Centrism

History: Formed out of a proxy war in the pre-modern era

Stability: Unstable

Cultural aggressiveness: Aggressive

Religion: Holy Bucket

Pyuanople (Central Combine)


History: Revolted from a monarchy during the colonialism era

Stability: Mildly stable

Cultural aggressiveness: Not aggressive at all

Religion: Westish

Nation Generator (Cyrillic)

Nation Generator (Kardaka Accents)