*Note: "U" means that the program will no longer be update, while "U" means it will. This is mainly due to the fact that I don't want to update every program whenever I just want to change one.

Made with WIN-OS (Not really)

This page contains "simulations" coded entirely in the python language on trinket, meaning that they are very limited. You can find my actual Unity games on my Itch account. Kardashtuku 

Presidential Term Simulation


Real Country Collapse Simulator (U)

No, I did not program in every country's sub-divisions

Yes, it does make it worse

Early development (some errors)

United States Collapse Simulator (U)


EU Collapse Simulator (U)

(I know this isn't realistic. Don't take this seriously.)

Funnier Empire Collapse Simulator (U)

Just for fun

Empire Collapse Simulator (U)

Just for stupid