
As a "quick" note at the start of this page, I realized how crazy this makes me look. Trust me, I am not some kind of Pan-Turkic Nationalist fanatic. I'm just an American who somehow got way too interested in Turkic culture and history. I recommend learning about stuff like this on your own. I don't mean Turkic history specifically. You should find something unique that you find fascinating and try to educate yourself on it. Don't let anyone tell you that you're wasting your time doing what you love. I would rather waste my time being happy than spend my entire life feeling unfulfilled. I know this is a weird rant to go on, and I bet it's a little incoherent, but if there's one true message behind everything I do on Kardashtuku, it's to do what you love. Also, it's 6:00 AM right now, and I am quite literally sleep deprived.Β 

Side note: I just re-read this first note and realized how much crazier this makes me look. I don't know why I trailed off so much halfway through writing it.

Turkic Peoples (Not including Khorasan and many other smaller ones)

Turkic Groups (Not including Khorasan and many other smaller ones)

Turkic Groups (Including Khorasan)

All Turkic (Not including Khorasan and many other smaller ones)

Turkic Union State with "optimized" borders (not possible but pretty cool looking)