Flesh Baby Storyline


I made the original Flesh Baby game (which was actually the third one) for a project in my computer science class. I personally found the concept pretty funny, so I just pushed it harder, making a few more games. Eventually, the Flesh Baby storyline became intertwined with several other comedic story projects I had going. 

Flesh Baby Storyline

Flesh Species Mythical Origin (<5000 B.C.E.)

The mythical origin story of the Flesh Species is based on real events that happened in ancient Colorado nearly 7000 years ago, but do keep in mind, the Flesh Species had only arrived in the 1830s. The story goes that the ancient North American megalopolis known as “Bingusland” was experimenting with artificial life and genetic code. They would use incubation chambers to house fetuses, where they would test altering their genetic code. Most of the time, this would just kill the fetuses, but one specific experiment went very well. They were able to alter the fetus’s code in just the right way that it became able to duplicate itself, further mutating its own genetic code in the process. The rest of the story goes that these experiments were canceled for being unethical, but a lone scientist who felt attached to the fetus refused to kill it. He instead went north to modern-day Idaho and hid it in a cave. Remember, this is the folklore of the Flesh Species, likely created by the US government to hide the truth of their involvement. 

The Ween-Wan (2500 B.C.E.)

The Ween-Wan is an indescribable relic, created by top mages in Bingusland. The Ween-Wan is only described as an object with incredible power, that no one person can even fathom its grace. It is described that even the most heinous of people who attempted to pilfer the relic turned back, not out of fear, but because they would realize the true power that it held. The worst and most power-hungry of people would be instantly humbled and pacified at the mere sight of this artifact. Bingusland would collapse mysteriously a few years after the Ween-Wan’s creation, and the city (and the Ween-Wan) would be buried for several millennia. Some attempted to find and take it, but those who did find it faced the same pacification. Some even ended their own lives at the sight of its power.

Flesh Species Real Origin (1830s)

In contrast to the mythical story, the Flesh Species' real origin was in the early 1800s. The actual story lines up quite well with the mythical other than that. The one real difference was that the scientists were working for the American government. The story followed in the same way, fetus experimentation, cancellation based on ethicality, and a cave in Idaho. 

Flesh Species Near-Eradication (1970s–1980s)

The Flesh Species lived on as a dominant (but widely unseen) organism in the Rocky Mountains region. They fed off young wandering animals, and even sometimes people. You see, the Flesh Species did not feed like normal organisms, they fed primarily on youth. They would hunt and kill young creatures in order to absorb their life essence and implant it into the hive. They stayed as cryptic folklore (similar to the bigfoot), with many assuming that their existence was entirely fake. However, the government had known for quite some time that this species was real, but they had kept away from dealing with it for some time. This was until the 1970s and 1980s, when the Flesh Species Eradication Plan was put into place. The goal was to completely and quietly kill off the entire species. They had actually gotten pretty close, so close, in fact, that they had actually thought that the job was done. It was not, however; the Flesh Species was dwindling, but it was alive. 

Emergence of the Meatman (2014–2015)

The near-eradication of the species led to a shift in strategy. The Flesh Species reemerged in the early 2010s with a more hostile nature. The culmination of this hostility was the Meatman, or what the government called HuLT-60 (Humanoid, Literate, Threat, 60-inches). At first, it seemed that the Meatman was a rogue mutation; it seemed to only want to cause terror for the sake of it, but we soon learned that its every move was only a small part of the picture. In early 2015, the Meatman (fueled by its victims) invaded the city of Denver, killing hundreds of thousands. The city was evacuated, converted into a flesh nest, and the Meatman disappeared, seemingly completing its one job. 

Squeetmonster’s Reign of Terror (2015–2016)

After a year of brewing in the Denver nest, a new creature emerged. This creature was the Squeetmonster, and unlike the other Flesh beings, it had no emotions. This one fact seems small, but it was the driving force behind the Squeetmonster’s terror. If you remember the Ween-Wan, you might see where this is going. The Squeetmonster dug through the catacombs of Denver and obtained the Ween-Wan, and with that, humanity’s fate was sealed. In one night, 35 million children disappeared without a trace, their youth being fed directly to the Squeetmonster, and their mortal forms being rendered to dust. This event is now referenced in the phrase “One of the 35,” as a tribute to the lost 35 million souls that the world forgot. Somehow though, this went unnoticed, and the Squeetmonster enacted the third part of its plan, the mass-consumption of human youth. It killed billions of people. This was until 2016, when some force from what can only be imagined as the heavens smote the Squeetmonster, bringing back the lost billions. 

Goblin Dimensional Shift

At some point during the Squeetmonster’s reign, a dimensional rift opened between our realm and the “Land of Pee” (Fork Goblin’s homeland). This rift formed directly inside of Goblin territory, opening up a mass-migration event from their realm. This rift eventually closed, but this event is why we have a hefty population of silly little goblins on Earth.

The Blood Servers

The Blood Servers are a network of vein-like tubes connecting all of North America. They were created by the Squeetmonster for unknown reasons (theories suggest a continental flesh being). Luckily, whatever the Squeetmonster planned to do never came to fruition, but now we have many of these blood servers scattered all throughout the continent. The elite are said to sacrifice goblins (due to their abundant youthfulness) to the Blood Servers in order to maintain a form of immortality. It is also theorized that the goblin milk slavery business is a front for this mass-sacrifice, and that’s why the death toll for goblin slaves is so high.

Flesh Species Charts


Childhood, innocence, and government