Small Worldbuilding

Electorate of Lorrik

The Electorate of Lorrik is a federal subject on the planet of Minilisk, which is mostly a barren wasteland. Lorrik is the largest Electorate on the planet, both in size and population. Its government is made up of one top "Elector," who is voted upon by Congress. There is one member of Congress for each Congressional District. Lorrik's liege is a nation called "The Federal Institution." On the grand stage of the Institution, Lorrik has no real power. Although its vote counts in Federal elections and bill-passing, it doesn't really matter because there are 5,382 other Electorates, with 82% of them having equal or more voting power:

The situation shown on the map illustrates the political situation of the Electorate after the passing of Bill 921-A, which, among other things, gave several dictatorial executive powers to the President of the Institution. Corrupt leaders in thousands of Electorates, including Lorrik, voted to pass this bill, and populaces across the Institution erupted in protest. Over the course of a few days, these protests turn into revolts. In the case of Lorrik, a new political faction emerged calling themselves "Repealists," and they took to occupying large portions of the Lorrik Capital City (27th Congressional District); a small alliance of Repealist congressional districts emerged in the North-East;  the 19th Congressional District executed a lot of its Repealist protesters and isolated its border; the City of Mogherk got completely seized by a right-wing nationalist who declared himself "Emperor of Lorrik"; a large mafia group in the capital declared independence as the "Istilik District"; a large army of Heorloanian Separatists formed in the south-west and took over a lot of land; and a small Federal militia showed up in the capital in order to quell the protests. 

The Federal Institution

The Federal Institution is a multi-planet empire. Its political workings are described on the left. Not every planet is shown--only the planets with living populations of people are shown and named. There are many millions of barren, uninhabitable, undiscovered, militarized, and resource-heavy planetary systems under the Institution's jurisdiction. 

The green systems are the ones whose majority of electors voted against Bill 921-A. 

This map is set at the same time as the other map. 

The Federal Institution covers 35 habitable solar systems. Each planet has several electorates based on its population. Each Electorate is allowed only one Elector, and the Institution doesn't govern the means of picking. Most Electorates opt for a democratically elected Elector, many opt for a bloodline of Electors, and some have a wide variety of other systems

Bills are created by the Electors of a single planet. Once a bill is voted on in majority by the Electors of said planet, it is put to vote on a federal scale. The Electors submit their vote within the span of 20 days after a bill's introduction. If the Electors fail to meet the deadline, their vote is then counted as void. The votes are tallied. If under 25% of Electors vote to pass the bill, it is discarded until brought up again; if 25% to 50% of Electors vote to pass the bill, it is put on a queue for future revoting; if 50% to 75%, the bill is immediately put back to a vote (and higher population planets receive higher voting power); if over 75%, the bill is passed. 


(Just a World)

Chaxfaria is a large, underdeveloped, and unstable world. With many nations still being independent city-states and tribal chiefdoms, power has barely been secured anywhere. The few nations that have made a name for themselves are constantly tearing each other apart in attempt to consolidate their power.