Kard Map
Detailed Map of Kardashtuku
Map of Kardashtuku (No cities)
Map of Kardashtuku in Kardaka
Map of Kardashtuku in Kardaka-Cyrillic script (NOT RUSSIAN)
Kardashtuku occupied land directly after the second Kardaka-Belarusian conflict.
Before they granted land back to Belarus in the 2013 Kardaka-Reforms.
(Smallest administrative division of Kardashtuku)
Not including City Districts
Legal Kardaka District Names
(Largest administrative division of Kardashtuku
Kardashtuku Terrain Map
Kardashtuku Empire simple global map (on Google Earth)
Kardashtuku World Map (1992)
(After the Soviet Union fell)
Kardashtuku Canonical World Map (2023)
Kardashtuku World Map (2210)
(End of the Second American Civil War)
Kardashtuku World Map (3189)
(Right before the end of the world)
The world is completely united under the Runner Corporation. These are the federal states of the RC.
N.A. = North American Region
S.C.A. = Southern and Central American Region
R.E. = Roman European Region
N.E. = Northern European Region
W.C.S. = World Capital State
S.E. or E.E. = Slavic Eurasian Region or Eastern European Region
T.M.S. = Turkic Mongol Steppes Region
E.S.A. = East and Southeast Asian Region
B.P.I. = Bingusid-Pee'Narshian Indian Region
O.P.I. = Oceania Polynesia Indonesia Region
M.E.N.A. = Middle Eastern and Northern African Region
S.E.A. = Sudan and East African Region
C.W.A. = Central and West African Region
S.A. = South African Region
Europe with Kardashtuku
Kardashtuku on Google Earth
(This took a while)
Kardashtuku at its height
Kardashtuku's Constituents
Kardashtuku Flag Map
Kardashtuku with the Dnieper River
Map of the Dnieper River (shows Kardashtuku with disputed regions as well)
USSH, Bolivia, Sudan, Kardashtuku, Shneeb, and Rarybakh at their respective territorial peaks
Island of Sohes (Şöçoniston)
Dark Red = Condemned and cut from diplomatic relations
Light Red = Condemned but still with economic and diplomatic relations
Light Yellow = No official address
Dark Yellow = Refusal to address
Light Green = Neutral or somewhat positive relations
Dark Green = Very positive relations
Blue = Mutual treaties for economic, protective, or other reasons