
The Forgotten Stripe

The Forgotten Stripe is a symbol widely depicted throughout multiple different Forgotten cultures. It originated with the Venath-Lebisk, who were also credited as the founders of the Forgotten religion. Its color varies from place to place, but the design stays pretty much the same: one large line encompassed on either side by smaller lines of similar color.

Some examples:

The State of Leteil

The Forgotten Republic

The State of Yeseik

The Rain-Dry Republic

Brands/Companies in Dipamu

While the Bequin Federation had a free market, there were not many large-scale private businesses that became nation-wide. The few businesses that did, tended to be funded by or adjacent to the Bequin government. So, in the following list, I will mark down the company's affiliation with the Bequin government. 

NILL (Protection, Assistance, Navigation, National) -- Army Supply Company

Connection to Bequin: Funded by; eventually owned by.

Although originally formed as a private company with the sole purpose of providing troop rations, NILL soon became heavily integrated within the core of the Bequin military system. It became the primary means of equipping and feeding the nation's military -- a job that the Bequin government struggled with in the past. NILL would stockpile warehouses full of weapons, armor, tech, food, specialized kits, and other useful items, and provide most of it to the military. It also acted as a semi-social-service system, giving out medical and nutritional aid to those in need. 

Sya Inc. -- Technology Company

Connection to Bequin: Covertly funded by

Sya Inc. was a technological company (technological in the fantasy sense) located entirely in the Hunes. During its beginning years, it primarily worked on advanced weaponry and transportation systems (the former contributed to the invention of the Ditafo (DTF: "Flame Spitting Device"), which was essentially a musket). But after that, Sya Inc. turned its focus to working with portal technology -- something that Bequin pushed them for. The company worked on this for years, until one of their prototypes quite literally imploded their headquarters, putting a complete stop to the project and destroying the company. 

Dipamu Liwim (Formerly Sterm's Ceisalh Co.) -- Boating Company

Connection to Bequin: Formerly none; eventually funded by; eventually largest consumer

Dipamu Liwim was a seafaring company formed in the Tacmalh Alliance prior to the Bequin Federation. It was fortunate enough to be the Bequin Naval Force's main ship supplier; and so, its success scaled with the empire. At its peak, Dipamu Liwim owned nearly 90% of the seafaring industry in the entire world and had an average of 12 naval bases on every island in Dipamu. Due to the vastness of Dipamu's ocean and its fortunate place in history, Dipamu Liwim became a transportation juggernaut. 

Bequin-Anixie Project -- Colonization Company

Connection to Bequin: Created by; funded by

While the Bequin-Anixie Project can be misconstrued as a simple idealistic product of the Bequin age of expansion, it was actually a real company. The Bequin-Anixie Project was effectively like a real estate company, except instead of selling land to people, it would more often than not just give it away. It worked more as a social-service disguised as a private company in order to rapidly colonize Anixie.

Design in Dipamu



Venathian (Leteil)




Bequin Settlements

