Made with WIN-OS (Not really)
This page contains "simulations" coded entirely in the python language on trinket, meaning that they are very limited. You can find my actual Unity games on my Itch account. Kardashtuku
Complicated Conquest Game (U)
Really easy
Simple Conquest Game (U)
For people like me
Hardest Conquest Game (U) ~~~>
c=more cash inflow but less stability and piety
m=more military inflow but less stability and piety
p=more piety inflow but less military and stability
s=more stability inflow but less military and cash
lose conditions- Cash is zero, Military is 100, stability is 0. Countries invade when you have less piety, but you can defend yourself if you have more military.
win conditions- Just go on as long as you can. See if you can get as many titles as possible
All titles: The Average, the Great, the Lame, the Terrible, the Rich, the Zealot, the Greatest, and the Conqueror
For cheats: Type a lowercase "y" next to the /. Type letter for letter which cheat you want. If you want to observe in godmode then enable godmode then type "observe" when prompted, otherwise just type "no".