The real motivator, or is it?


If the word is not there, simply translate the word through Kazakh and adjust the letters to fit Kardaka pronunciation

The Kardashtuku Dictionary in standard script. To translate to capital script follow the steps on the "Alternate Letters" page.


Fıçüitı (Fiss-ue-eh-tee)- Fisuity

Löçgü (Loe-ss-gue)- Dumb

Çökas (So-jas)- (General vulgar exclamation) Such as "Feck!"

Şıres (Sheer-es)- Loser/Bottom of-the-barrel human being

Kolğgolop (Kolj-gol-op)- (General vulgar insulting term) Such as "douchebag"

Ğügh (Gyue-gg)- Shit

Şivüer (Shih-vuer)- Silver

Swöğerd (Swoh-jerd)- Sword

Loöiğa (Lah-oh-ee-gah)- Capital

Sündik (sune-dik)- County

Aȳşate (Akh-ate)- State

İnçın (eenseen)- Inspire

Pöşek (poe-shek)- Person

Vidğo- Video

Drık (Dreek)- Dream

Paranoya- Paranoia

Ğrandü (Gyuh-rand-ue)- Grand/Great

Övon (oh-von)- Beautiful

Çütü (Sue-tue)- South

İeçt (east)- East

Weçtü (wes-tue)- West

Nüçt (nue-st)- North

Orta- Middle/central

İfianğök (ee-fian-jyoke)- White

Aşçenğök (achen-jyoke)- Black

Ğök (jyoke)- Primary

Int (eent)- Secondary

Ünd- Tertiary

Çakat- Because

Jü- Bright

Fnıf (Feneef)- Light

Oldur- Kill

Hȳnt (Kh-unt)- Dark

Blüğök (Blue-jyoke)- Blue

Freçğök (Fress-jyoke)- Red

Yışçğök (Yee-jyoke)- Yellow

Yıfrınt- Orange

Blüfrınt- Purple

Blüyınt- Green

Blüyıünd- Teal

Yıblünd- Lime

Yıjü- Gold

Fnıfaşç- Gray

Bü- Too

Fimöçk- A lot

Yıhȳnt- Brown

Rığun- Region

Ahrı- Area

Kardaka- Kardashtuku Language

Hlıden- Letter

Kayk- Word

Sıentıun- Sentence

Öboltıun- Paragraph

Kötıun- Code

Içım- Name

Hujıl (Hue-jeel)- Just

Düşçlöndçöl (Due-ch-loaned-sol)- Germany

Fraȳçöl (Frah-UGN-sol)- France

Bryşanıçöl (Bry-shanie-sol)- Britain

İtalçöl (Ee-tal-sol)- Italy

Mağek- Matter

Lang- Long

Dünşçjıelr- Fear

Kös- Does

Kaçe- Care

Huğıösoıe Çikkıökand Bryşanıçöl- United Kingdom

Huğıösoıe Aȳşatesö ünf Amerığa- United States of America

Spaȳçöl (Spah-UGN-sol)- Spain

Portüğalçöl (Port-ue-jal-sol)- Portugal

Chyğaçöl (Chyn-juh-sol)- China

Rosıa (Roy-see-ah)- Russia

Greȳeçöl (Greh-UGN-esol)- Greece

Ö- On

Ik- In

Tünrig- During

Vatş (Vach)- At

Möış- Move

Trağelı- Travel

If the country has no name, just convert the pronounced letters in the English word to what they would be in Kardashtuku and add çöl at the end.

Şetlemıt (Shet-le-meet)- Settlement

Fücölanışç (Fue-coh-lon-eech)- Colony

Taşek- Thank

Ryt- Correct

Hışeşıö (Hee-sheh-shee-oh)- History

Höser- Hurt

Aȳşçedjıelr- Happy

Çırjıhüng- Sorry

Maljıelr- Anger

Fınğı- Funny

Şıü- See

Şake- Smell

Şüngde- Taste

Dıler- Feel (sense)

İoğüşıö (Ee-ogg-ue-shee-oh)- New

Hamurş (Hamursh)- Hammer

Eskşçed (Esk-shed)- World

Künjed (Kune-jed)- Smart/Intuitive

Ğot (gyot)- God

Lişçed (Lich-ed)- Link

Wılcöm- Welcome

Dütağe- Manage

Ȳ- By

Çürğ- Corporation

Bığünde- Business

Achanıd (Ahk-an-eed)- Update

İmbör (Eem-bohr)- Part/Section

Daşma- Karma

Ankşçlön (Ahnk-ch-loan)- Miscellaneous

Köü (Koh-ue)- It

Şoious (Shoy)- May

Ço (Sah)- as

Öloğü (Oh-Lah-Jue)- Little

Ğrendü (Gyuh-rendue)- Big

İnsyȳ (Een-sy-achk)- Inside

Ötütȳ (Oh-too-tachk)- Outside

Geü/Geüiö (Gee-ue)- For

Aefer- Excuse

Aşç- Positive/nice

Üdaşa- Luck

Üşö- Morning

Yfşça- After

Pöldyn- Noon

Ötodox- Orthodox

Kristıanesüm- Christianity

Katholikesüm- Catholicism

Prüstetnesüm- Protestantism

İslam- Islam

Shıu- Shia

Sünnı- Sunni

Büdesüm- Buddhism

Hindü’esüm- Hinduism

Judayesüm- Judaism

Çonterağe- Conservative

Tüdin- Tradition

Grüppo- Group

Tebrık- Congratulations

Lütfü- Please

Iıe- Be

Aȳş- Saved

Hişş- Culture

Malmiştrerkö- Dictator

Klavır (Klave-ier)- Dagger/Knife

Kelmör (Kel-mohr)- Urban

Hündı (Hunde)- Desert

Janjı (Zanzie)- Forest

Rüvı- River

Laȳ- Lake

MiĮlütsö- Grasslands/Plains

GüĮmiĮ- Bush

ĞrenmiĮ- Tree

MiĮ- Plant

Blüyınt-MiĮkuşç- Grass

Üchmaşt Agriculture

Suşahrı- Vegetation

Kuşç- Common

Malkuşç- Rare

Rı (Ree)- Island

Föll (Fol)- Large Island

Beküın (Bek-ue-een)- Federation

Depamü- Family

Depü- Earth

Dükolf- Friend

Holös- Era

Lütis- Land

Magnık- Diplomatic

Kaıl- Prized Possession

Taȳmal (Tah-UGN-Mal)- Alliance/Union

Flımöüç (Flee-mois)- Resource

Tröüç (trois)- Nuke

İȳta- Liberty

Frütna- Front

Çia (Sy-yah)- Power

Lıteıl (Lee-tee-el)- Peaceful

Frışj (Freej)- Homeland (Culturally)

Stanşja (Stahn-ja)- New/Discovered

Vıkef (Vee-Kef)- Language

Bök (Bohk)- But

Malışç- Remorse

Malğüghıe- Guilt

Ğüghıe- Thing

Kö (Koh)- Do

Höser- Hurt

Ğeş (Gyesh)- Yes

Ğeşanas (Gyesh-an-as)- All

Ğeşanes- Most

Nö (No)- No

Şum (Shum)- Who

Şümu (Shue-muh)- What

Şunı (Shunee)- When

Şolükyo (Shol-ue-kyo)- Where

Jıelr (Jeel-er)- Feel

Cann (Cahn)- Can

Çkhır (Keech-eer)- Here

Ğöş (Gyo-sh)- Why

Şuçek (Shue-sek)- How

Aytü- Say

Üm (Ue-mm)- There

Hab- Have

Wıtteta (Wee-teta)- With

Ğöür- Our

İviar- Ever

Nıviar- Never

Woü (Wah-ue)- Want

İsh (Eesh)- Wish

Nün (Noon)- Now

Geche (Gech-eh)- Get

Toki (Tah-kchi)- Take

Göışç (Goh-ee-ch)- Give

Lışıas (Lee-shee-osh)- Postive/true

Lışıas (Lee-Shee-oh-sh)- Negative/false

Koıa (kah-ee-ah)- Set up/some

Mamürş (Mam-ursh)- Memory

Mamürşö (Mam-ursho)- Album/record

Ünf- of (Relating to)

Ban- Back

Fröış (Froysh)- from

Kmöa (Kmoh-uh)- Mom

Lonğe (Lonch)- Dad

Sisjı- Sister

Siskı- Brother

Ate (At-eh)- Grandparent

Jı (Zee)- Female

Kı (kee)- Male

Sışç (Sish-ss)- Child

Atğet (At-jit)- Adult

Sışhöd (Sish-hode)- Childhood

Atğethöd (At-jit-hode)- Adulthood

Mec (Mek)- Meet

Loıı (lah-ee)- Again

Hüçel Hue-sh-el)- Neighborhood

Kıre (Kee-er)- Burned

Külu (Kue-lue)- Hot

Şice (Shyss)- Frozen

Şi (Shy)- Cold

Kıl (Keel)- Life

Ekettö (Ee-ket-oh)- Each

Folş (Folsh)- Of (Nationality)

Mıe (mee-eh)- My

Öç (Oech)- A

İ (Ee)- At

Benütalö (Ben-ue-tal-oh)- Top

Benütaloıe (Ben-ue-tal-oh-ee-ah)- Up

Loöışen (Lah-oh-eesh-en)- Silent

Benjüı (Ben-Jue-Ee)- Rise

Ğlala (Gyu-lala)- Bottom

Ğlalaıe (Gyu-lala-ee-ah)- Down

Ğlajüı (Ğya-Jue-ee)- Fall

Wılâh (Villa)- Hello

Jüğg (Jude)- Goodbye

Möm (Meom)- I am

Ğüchö (Gue-Cho)- Called

Mü (Mue)- I

Öcol (Ue-Jol)- Hungry

Vieşçen (Vee-Chen)- Website

Kardiştüğü (Card-Ash-Too-Kue)- Kardashtuku

Şügaşç (Shoo-Gah-Shei)- Love

Şa (Sha)- You

Hüğines (Hue-jin-es)- Click

Hoğü (Ha-Jue)- And

Şo (Shah)- Or

Juğ (Juj)- To

Hşesio (Huh-sheh-shee-o)- Blood

İmon- Next

Şişışç- Last

Ğınyon (Yin-yon)- Eat

Koliş (Kol-ish)- Drink

Ğüğu (Gyoo-Goo)- Bread

Polş (Polsh)- Sandwich

Şaişöc (Shay-Shuk)- Water

Hiğuk (Hig-yuk)- Pasta

Löl (Low-ol)- Milk

Çşasouis (Ch-Shay-ous)- Eggs

Oö (Ah-Oh)- Limes

Şitrüçem (Sih-True-ss-em)- Lemon

Şitrüç (Sih-true-ss)- Citrus

Oşanğe (Ah-sanj)- Orange (Fruit)

Çüp (Sh-oop)- Soup

Parmışan (Parm-ee-shawn)- Parmesan

Spaggı (Spaj-ee)- Spaghetti

Löliç (Lah-olyk)- Cheese

Kfölık (Kfol-eek)- Butter

Shünu (Shoe-nuh)- Meat

Ğomish (Gyom-ish)- Fish

Suşçetta (Suh-chetta)- Vegetable

Üchdred (Uke-dred)- Fruit

Jea (Zee)- Tea

Ȳçı (*UGN*-Jzee)- Coffee

Jöşk (Jue-ch)- Food

Kğimla (Kyim-lah)- Drink

Şükois (Shoe-kois)- Breakfast

Ölmm (Oh-lim)- Lunch

Üchky (Ue-ch-key)- Snack

Îuk (St-ss-uk)- Dinner

Hişşen (Hih-shen)- Religion

Koçlt (Kos-ulch)- Cult

Jepğa (Zep-ja)- Bible

Loğol (Low-Jol)- Cat

Kinyü (Kin-You)- dog

Olöblî (Ol-oh-Bli-Stsk)- Cow/Bull

Fünff (Foon-ff)- Hate

Güî (Gue-st-sk)- Sweet

Imaȳ (Ee-Mah-*UGN*)- Savory

Aȳ isî (Ah-*UGN*-iss-st-sk)- Sugary

Juşshıö (Jue-shih-shee-o)- Sour

Jopopağ (Jah-pah-paj)- Bitter/very rude

Kişüç (Kish-ues)- Salty

Çölş (Sohl-sh)- Nation

Çölkand (Sohl-Kand)- Government

Çölöş (Sohl-oash)- Regime

Söşıt (So-shee-it)- Soviet/Communist

Repüblık (Repub-leek)- Republic

Faşçıt (Facheet)- Fascist

Ünröl (Uen-rohl)- Neutral

Kışü (Kee-Shue)- Song

Şon (Shawn-lee)- Glory

Lıýt- Fight

Vaton (Vuh-ton)- Homeland (Nationality)

Juşane (Juh-Shane)- War

Huğıöso (Hue-jee-oh-saw)- Peace

Juşösin (Juh-shoh-sin)- Army

Ğökand (Gyo-kand)- Democracy

Çikkıökand (Sick-e-o-kand)- Monarchy

Grendçıkkıö (Grend-sik-ee-oh)- Empire

Anşçaş- Realm

Anşçamaş- Emperor

Çikkıaş (Sick-e-osh)- Royal

Kaşlıer (Kahsh-lear)- Chancellor

Lımös (Lee-Moh-ss)- Prime

Miştrer (Mish-trehr)- Minister

Preçıdiyü (Press-ee-dee-ue)- President

Ğonsanştü (Gyon-zan-shtu)- Constitution

Ökol (Oh-kol)- Harmony

Şvoüld (Shvold)- Flag

Yüşe (You-sh)- City


Tamıs- Senate

Tamımaş- Senator

Atılam- Kingdom

Atılamaş- King

Bylam- Territory

Bylamaş- Governor

Sahlam- Diplomacy

Sahlamaş- Diplomat


+ın (Een)- Shows that someone is an inhabitant of something

+aka- Language of

+ökon- Of (Republic of/Kingdom of)

+ınd- People of

+onsök- Peoples

+ıu- Land of (Shows symbolic information. Mönı'ıu = Land of money)

+lı- Land of (Shows physical information. Nüçtlı = Northern land)

+iston- Land of (Shows cultural information. Daynıston = Land of the Danes)

+gard- Land of (Shows misc information. Louisgard =Louis's land)


Rıvolüşçun (Ree-vol-uch-un)- Revolution

Dünt- Go

Ölder (Older)- Folder

Beğ (Bej)- Bell

Rınkür (Rink-ue-er)- Ringer

Şçedül (Ched-ue-el)- Schedule

Ğelöb (Gye-lobe)- Globe

Edğer (Edge-ier)- Edit

Yuröp (Yur-ope)- Europe

Afrıcü (Af-ree-coo)- Africa

Aşıa (Ash-ee-uh)- Asia

America- America

Pösaşö (Poe-say-shoh)- Book

Olıgoî (Ol-e-gah-stu-sk)- Paper

Şöen (Show-en)- Poem

Pösaşanas (Poh-say-shah-nahs)- Library

Pinğesıs (Pin-jes-ees)- Note

Tağik- Crown

Kajok- Wander

Kırgej- Tribe

Afğon- Noble

Fayşü- Favor

Ğaman- Time

Şormek- Ask

Sonüz- Eternal

Mıen- Pure

Maynı- Almost

Tüf- Sub

Pinğ (Pinj)- Reminder

Lopğo (Lop-joe)- Page

Şöın (Sh-oyns)- Coins

Mönı (Muh-nee)- Money

Etiğed (Itch-jed)- Literally

Lığia (Lee-Gee-Ah)- Definitely

Üdıu (Ue-dee-uh)- Idea

Nök (Nohk)- Know

Nökğed (Nohk-jed)- None

Lışenı (Lee-shee-nee)- Definition

Çyanşe (Sy-anch)- Science

Çtüdıö (Studio)- Study

Ştıf- Still

Münşç- Very/much

Daȳar- Danger

İkjed (Ik-jed) Invent

Ünla (Une-law)- Make

Ğöoşt (Gyoh-osht)- Toaster

Fridğ (Fridge)- Fridge

Cabı (Cab-ee)- Cabinet

Övıen (Oh-vien)- Oven

Ayak- Shoe

Çteçik- Store

Şçarr (Char)- Chair

Smoçloch Ikıan (Smos-lok-ik-ee-ahn)- TV

Ikıüğ (Ik-ee-uej)- Look

Köışç (Koh-uech)- Couch

Compütğedıa (Kom-pute-jed-ee-ah)- Computer

Monıtür (Mon-ee-tue-er)- Monitor

Lyşç (Lych)- Light

Fık- Own (Word)

Bedı (Bed-ee)- Bed

Hüçe (Hue-seh)- House

Livü (Liv-ue)- Live

Aptoşç- Sacred

Dalğ- Set

Salpeğ- Stone

Şçalbarg- Pray

İşç (Eech)- Die

Aȳşçed (Ah-UGN-ched)- Good (Word)

Malüş (Mal-ue-sh)- Bad (Word)


Wıche (Weech-eh)- Week

Söntağ (Sone-taj)- Sunday

Müntağ (Mune-taj)- Monday

Tıentağ (Tien-taj)- Tuesday

Mıdwıche (Meed-weech-eh)- Wednesday

Dünğerştağ (Dune-jer-shtaj)- Thursday

Frıetağ (Free-eh-taj)- Friday

Sümstağ (Sume-staj)- Saturday

Janürarı- January

Febürarı- February

Marşç- March

Aypril- April

May- May

Jün- June

Jüly- July

Ogüsta- August

Septimbur- September

Octöbur- October

Növimbur- November

Deçimbur- December

Ay- Month

Yıle- Year

Tağ- Day

Singonşu (Sin-gon-shoe)- The other day

Oloȳtağ- Today

İmontağ- Tomorrow

Şişışçtağ- Yesterday

Öçi (Ochy)- Night

Time Example: 4:28 = Vier kwayn-oȳr = Four twenty-eight

Half past 4 would be Mıdaya-Vier “Middle-four”

Sağat- Hour

Menüt- Minute

Ekinğ- Second


Kay- Multiply/times

Plüt- Add/plus

Mıdaya- Half

Difan- Divide

Nynüt- Subtract/minus

Halmıday- Quarter

Ğıömetrı- Geometry

Aynğü- Angles

Döproç- Degree

Power- Power


Twenty-seven ---> Kwaen-şıb

Two hundred thirty thousand and ten ---> Kway-üj-jrein-büjej-jyen

Oçh (Ah-ch)- 1

Kway- 2

Jrei (Jray)- 3

Vier (Vear)- 4

Fünğ (fuenj)- 5

Şeşs (Shesh-sih)- 6

Şıb (Shee-ben)- 7

Oȳr (Ah-*unwritable gutteral noise*-er)- 8

Nyn (Nine)- 9

Jyen (Zyin)- 10

Kwayn- Twenty

Jrein- Thirty

Viern- Forty

Fünğen- Fifty

Şeşen- Sixty

Şıben- Seventy

Oȳren- Eighty

Nynen- Ninety

Üj- Hundred

Büjej- Thousand

Mıllön (Mee-Lone)- Million

Bıllön (Bee-lone)- Billion


Şop/Bez (Shop)- We

Mı- Me

Kıf- He

Jıf- She

Kıge- Him

Jıge- Her (does not show ownership. Speak to her    It is her house)

Köl- They (singular epicene)         Ex. They chose not to be included.

Kölge- Them (singular epicene)   Ex. No one wants to talk to them.

Çi- They (plural epicene)               Ex. They all voted.

Çiğ- Them (plural epicene)           Ex. You can't make them all happy.

Juss- That

Oloȳ- This

Offet- Those

No suffix version (For simplicity)

ır- Is

Değ- Are

Üm- Am

Ğeşö (Gyesho)- Was

Çılşo/Wılik- Will or will be

Ghuğ (Guej)- The

Ler- A/An

Nöş (No-sh)- Not

Lers- As

Mü (Mue)- I

Möm (Meom)- I am

Şa (Sha)- You

Şa (Sha)- You are

Şop/Bez- We

Bezeğ- We are

Key: With suffixes or Without suffixes

Example: He is correct ---> Kıf rytı or Kıf ır ryt

Example: They are a nation ---> Çi çölşeğler or Çi değ ler çölş 

Example: He is as dumb as a fish ---> Kıf löçgüırs ço ğomish or Kıf ır löçgü lers ler ğomish

Example: This is not ours ---> Oloȳ haȳ bıjumdır or Oloȳ ır nöş ğöür


+fık- Shows if a specific noun owns something. Ex. Bob's house ---> Bobfık hüçe

+'ümı- Shows singular personal ownership. Ex. My house ---> Hüçe'ümı

+'ömı- Shows singular non-personal ownership. Ex. Your house ---> Hüçe'ömı


Nö+- No as in No one and nothing

+huğ- The

+bünlaş- This/These

Geş+- Every as in Everyone and everything

Ays+- Any (word and prefix)

+on- Suffix version of person

+geğ- Suffix version of thing

+öj- To do

Çı- Future 

İl- New 

Ö- Past

Ün- Present

+lı- Full of

Aȳ- Good (Prefix)

Mal- Bad (Prefix)

Öst- Un

+ifyd- Became/+ified

In- Re

+kömaş- *Shows an action (ing)

+örr- *Shows a person who does an action (er)

+maş- *Shows Occupation (ist)

İss- *ness/showing emotion*

+'lia- Not-contraction

+ıe (Ee-eh)- Able

kiȳ- *Shows state of being (ship)

+ıl- Full

+üs- More/er

+üsç- Most/ist

+sö (So)- Makes plural

+jüı (Jue-ee)- *Makes a verb*

Üll- Turns an adjective/verb into a noun (discover-discovery)

Öll- Turns a noun into an adjective (sauce-saucy)

Kuf- Done first (create-invent, find-discover, know-learn)

+ıçı- Sort of/ish

+ının- Precisely

Prü- Before (Pre)

Pös- After (Post)

+esü- Believer of an ideology/belief (ist)

+esüm- Ideology/belief (ism)


+haȳ- *Feminine* G

+aüç- *Masculine* G


+on- *Relating to people*

+jın*Relating to an animal*

+enğd- *Relating to an inanimate object*

+ımbö- *Relating to other*

Şal Insult Terms:

Şaletikü - Morally despicable

Şalpıkır - Disgraceful opinion

Şalüll - Disgraceful person


Standard script:


Ç/ç- It makes an S sound similar to the German ß

Ğ-ğ Pronounced like a J. Sometimes pronounces "Gyuh"

Ş/ş- Pronounced as Sh would be.

Î/Į- Very uncommon and is pronounced Sk or St


İ/ı- Pronounced as ē (long "e" sound)

Ö/ö- Pronounced as ō (long "o" sound)

Ü/ü- Pronounced as ū (long "u" sound)

Ȳ/ȳ- Adds a "kh" sound after any vowle. A ---> Akh (Gutteral noise)

There is a more detailed look into how to pronounce the letters on the "Alternate Letters Page"

Kardaka Pronoun Chart

Linking-Suffixes (Outdated)

(Is)- When using "is/are" words, you need to remember to put the "is/are" at the end. If you have multiple, move the ir/eg down to the last word.

+'ı (Ee)- is                                                                         +'eğ (ej)- Are                                           +'üm- I am

+'dırr (Deer)- Is the                                                        +'değler (dej-ler)- Are the                       +'müm- I am the

+'ır (Ear)- Is a                                                                  +'eğler (ej-ler)- Are a                              +'mürim- I am a

+'ırs (Ear-ss)- Is as (Informal)                                        +'eğlers (ej-lerz)- Are as                         +'mürs- I am as

Haȳdır- Is not                                                                 Haȳdeğ (Hakh-dej)- Are not                   Hamüm- I am not

Bıjumdır- Is ours                                                            Bıjumdeğ (Bee-jum-dej)- Are ours         Mümurse- I am its/their's

Benimdır- Is mine                                                          Benimdeğ (Benim-dej)- Are mine      

+’üjeğ- Past tense linking-suffix “was/had/have”

+’üjler- Past tense linking-suffix “was the”

+’düjler- Past tense linking-suffix “was a”

+’haȳüj- Past tense linking-suffix “was not”

+’çığ- Future tense linking-suffix “will be”

+’çıl- Future tense linking-suffix “will be the”

+’şıl- Future tense linking-suffix “will be a”

+’haȳçı- Future tense linking-suffix “will not be”

Detailed Rules

When adding a suffix/prefix to a word, follow these rules:

Complementary Vowels:

Saying "my cat is killing me" would be ordered like "My-cat is-killing me". Subject, verb, object. The only thing that changes from English to Kardashtuku is the words you use, so don't worry about grammar. Two words might form one word but that wouldn't change the placement of each separate word anyway. 

"Loğolümı oldurkömaşı mı"

The only thing that changes the subject, verb, object rule are linking-suffixes. "I am sorry" would be ordered like Sorry-I-am because of Kardaka suffix rules.

For Example: Şaeğ nöş mı = You are not me (Şaeğ = You are, nöş = not, mı = me). This is how you make a sentence using no linking-suffixes

      Şa haȳdeğ = You are not me (Şa = You, = me, haȳdeğ = are not) This is how you make a sentence using linking-suffixes

Linking-suffixes are preferred in Kardaka. All this makes it so that the language can be understood in either SVO or SOV. This was done as a way to link English to Kardaka-Turkic, but the complicated grammar rules of Kardaka make it more prone to specific grammar rules. There are so many of these specific grammar rules that I won't be getting into them (as in: I don't want to fix all the inconsistencies there are in making a language because that would take forever)

Punctuation- The same as English with a few additions: 

I went to the house with you = I went to the house,' with you

I went to the store,' in the town

I came home,' last night

If something shows plural ownership (their house/our house), you would just use the "fık" suffix.     Ex. Çifık hüçe/Şopfık hüçe

As seen in the is/are/am section, "is ours" is "bıjumdır". So you can either say "şopfıkı" or "bıjumdır". The same applies to all the other related words.

Ex. "The house is ours" would be "Ghuğ hüçe bıjumdır" as well as "Ghuğ hüçe şopfıkı"

Kardaka does not recognize a difference between "ours" and "our". When translating, they both mean the exact same thing. 

Writing rules for prefixes/suffixes: If a suffix/prefix inadvertently creates a diphthong, put a ' between the two vowels (not that necessary though). If a suffix/prefix causes two consonants to border, add a Y as well. Ex. Aysgeğ ---> Aysygeğ Nöon ---> Nö'on (All optional). To turn "I am" into "I will" or "I have", just change the word's tense Ex. I will be = ümçı I was = ümüjçi. In any other circumstance, write "I" not in suffix form Ex. I eat = Mü ğınyon


The bull is small

Formal: Ghuğ olöblîaüc öloğüjını (Gooj oloh-bl-stsk-owss ee oh-lah-gyue-zeenee)

He is angry

Formal: Kıf maljıelrünonı

They are happy

Formal: Kölşüşç aȳşçedjıelroneğ

Informal: Köl aȳşçedjıelroneğ

The food isn't sweet

Formal: Ghuğ jöşk güîenğd haȳdır

Science is intuitive

Formal: Çyanşe künjedimböı

Informal: Çyanşe künjedı

Who is doing that

Formal: Şumkökömaşı juss

Informal: Şum kökömaşı juss

He hurt their feelings

Formal: Kıf höseron kölfıkşüşç jıelrkömaşsö

Informal: Kıf höseron kölfık jıelrkömaşsö

How to formally formulate a sentence with verbs/adjectives. Add the relating suffixes to the end of the verb/adjective. Also, imagine a comma is the start of a new sentence. Don't forget to add your "is" suffix at the end of the adjective or verb. When speaking standard/informal Kardaka, these rules are not important, so don't worry too much about them.


I went to the store the other day    -     Mü düntüjeğ juğ çteçikhuğ,' singonşuhuğ

I hate these new shoes    -    fünff ılayaksöbünlaş